Torpedo x Human Biography – COVID Conversations: Her Perspective

Torpedo x Human Biography – COVID Conversations: Her Perspective

As the director of COVID Conversations: Her Perspective, my goal was to capture different women’s experiences, as they navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic. While this was a time of uncertainty and anxiety for many, it also ended up being highly transformative for many women and young girls. I wanted to capture raw and honest pandemic experiences (the good and the bad!) from women and girls of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

On the day of filming, the studio was filled with meaningful conversations, as we shared our authentic selves. There were both laughter and tears because everything finally hit home. I felt each woman’s pain and struggle in the same way I felt their joy; I could see myself in each of them. This was a kindred showcase of who we truly are and what this community represents: a sisterhood of all ages and stages.

This past year forced us to sit down with ourselves and truly reflect. It was/is our time to deeply explore ourselves in order to bring our best to the world. It was uncomfortable and pushed us out of our comfort zones. But as women, it is in our souls to bravely take on challenges and consistently come out stronger on the other side each time.

I’m not the same person as I was before, as I am sure you aren’t either. It just took a pandemic to bring us closer to our true selves. I learned that self-love and self-care in all their different forms allowed me to show up with passion and purpose for my family and the community around me. We are proud to be women, and we are fearless in the face of change, showing up to support each other in our growth.

Let’s learn from this experience and refrain from returning to life as before: let’s be better, let’s be truer, let’s be more connected. Especially in times of uncertainty, it is so important to remember that we are never truly alone.

Much love to these amazing women for their honesty and full participation in this project: Colleen Carson, Amy Chan, Nola Khare, Jamira Lovemore, and Christina Swanson.

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Torpedo x Human Biography – COVID Conversations: Her Perspective

As the director of COVID Conversations: Her Perspective, my goal was to capture different women’s experiences, as they navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic. While this was a time of uncertainty and anxiety for many, it also ended up being highly transformative for many women and young girls. I wanted to capture raw and honest pandemic experiences (the good and the bad!) from women and girls of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

On the day of filming, the studio was filled with meaningful conversations, as we shared our authentic selves. There were both laughter and tears because everything finally hit home. I felt each woman’s pain and struggle in the same way I felt their joy; I could see myself in each of them. This was a kindred showcase of who we truly are and what this community represents: a sisterhood of all ages and stages.

This past year forced us to sit down with ourselves and truly reflect. It was/is our time to deeply explore ourselves in order to bring our best to the world. It was uncomfortable and pushed us out of our comfort zones. But as women, it is in our souls to bravely take on challenges and consistently come out stronger on the other side each time.

I’m not the same person as I was before, as I am sure you aren’t either. It just took a pandemic to bring us closer to our true selves. I learned that self-love and self-care in all their different forms allowed me to show up with passion and purpose for my family and the community around me. We are proud to be women, and we are fearless in the face of change, showing up to support each other in our growth.

Let’s learn from this experience and refrain from returning to life as before: let’s be better, let’s be truer, let’s be more connected. Especially in times of uncertainty, it is so important to remember that we are never truly alone.

Much love to these amazing women for their honesty and full participation in this project: Colleen Carson, Amy Chan, Nola Khare, Jamira Lovemore, and Christina Swanson.